Describing Places
You often have to describe places to people - a house or building they haven't seen, a town or city or village they haven't visited, scenery or countryside they're not familiar with so on. Here are some of the questions you may have to answer:
Where is it?
What does it looks like?
How do you get there?
What's interesting or remarkable about it?
What's pleasant or unpleasant about it?
If it's a house or a building you may also have to answer questions like these:
What other building are around it?
What's it used for?
How old is it?
Decide How you would answer these questions to talk about:
The building you're in now and the buldingsa nearby
The town you're in now
The countryide near the town you're in now
Describing People
You often have to answer this question: What's so and so like?"
This doesn't usually mean giving a detailed description of a person's physical appearance. A better way to answer the question is to say what sort of person he or she , to mention some striking characteristics and perhaps give an assessment of his/her character.
So here are some of the characteristics you may use to decribe someone:
General personal impression
- Age
- Height, weight, build or figure
- Face, hair, eyes, complexion....
- Clothes
- Character
- Interests, sports and hobbies
- Job
- Their life so far: achievements, family background,...
Find out the words you need by asking other members of the class or your teacher or any friend of you who is good at English, or using a dictionary.
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